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We have additional crafts and fun activities
every month.

Available in our Magazine, forum or email news only.

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beach finds kit

Teach Kids to Love and Care for Earth Recycle Craft!

At Planetpals we believe if you teach kids to appreciate beautiful things on Earth, they will learn to love and care for it! It's that simple.

Recycle Everyday Objects

Great craft for a school lesson plan, girl scouts, boy scouts or home project,

On this page:

  1. Make a Recycle Archeology Kit
  2. How To Have An Archeological Dig
  3. Make a Recycle Archeological Dig Jar
  4. Free Label to Download
  5. See All Our Nature Crafts

Make A Recycle Dig Treasure Jar

Free Dig Label
Make a "DIG" Treasure Jar

Tools needed for this Dig Jar (above)recycle!

  • Plastic Jar
  • Label
  • Glue
  • Your imagination


  • Clean your recycled jar well
  • Decorate the TOP by painting it or adding gift wrap, material, shells, rocks, or other fun nature finds
  • Make your own label-or download this Free Planetpals label
  • Done--Go fill it!


  • 16 or 36 oz Peanut butter jars work well If you use glass jars be careful! Glass is not recommended for small children.
  • As a recycle project we suggest you as many recycled materials as possible

Nature Crafts Galore:

sand castle make a fossil plaster of paris
Long Lasting Sandcastle Embossed handmade paper
paper shell shell jewelry
filled with handmade paper handmade shell jewelry
ainted shell papereweight shell
Painted Shell Shell Paperweight

Make A Recycle Archeology Kit

This Back Yard Archeologist Kit is A Natural!

A DIY Archeological Expedition Can Be Great Fun And A Natural Learning Experience For Any Age.

archeology crafts
Archeology expeditions can be fun for one child or a group of kids

How To:

A DIY Archeological Expedition Can Be Great Fun And A Natural Learning Experience For Any Age.
Archeology is a great way to learn about nature and science.Ê So, why not try and archeological expedition this summer at the ocean, park, or in the woods.Ê It's a perfect beach or camping activity.Ê It's a natural!

You can put together a simple kit using a hand garden shovel, beach pail, ruler, sifter and magnifying glass.Ê For older kids, add a sketchbook and pencil or other drawing implements, for them to catalog their finds. Lastly, a large Clear Plastic Jar or other container to keep favorite finds in.

*NOTE: If you are in a national or state park or public beach make sure you are allowed to dig or remove found materials. Follow park rules!

Ideas for your expedition:

  • A trip to the library or a search online after their "expedition" to name the objects they unearthed is an added addition to the learning experience. And, whether you make a shadow box frame for treasures or a craft item from them, a craft also extends learning.
  • For beach finds: Look for objects such as worn beach glass, shells, sand dollars, fish bones, crab shells, seaweed, rocks, driftwood.
  • For woodland finds: Look for objects such as bones, rocks, arrowheads, nuts, snail shells, flora and fauna.
  • Make this project a one time event or a summer long project!Ê You can narrow your search to one of a kind" items such as shells or collect several categories.
  • If you are organizing a dig for several children try having a prize for the largest shell, most interesting rock or most fabulous find.
beach archeology
Have Kids log their finds in a book or draw them

Free Label For The DIG Jar and Book

Print out this fun Label that reads: "I'm a Planetpal and I DIG IT! My Favorite Finds"

*NOTE: Print 2 if you plan to use one for your archeology book and one for your "dig" jar.

Download this label for your kit

  • Download Label
  • Print Label
    *NOTE: Reduce or enlarge the label to fit your book
  • Paste on your book and/or jar
free label Dig It
"I'm a Planetpal and I DIG IT! My Archeological Finds" label

Make another craft!

This craft is ©Êjag reproduction restricted

MYO DIY Archeology Kit
Sample Recycle Dig Kit - Make a DIG kit from things you find around your home

Make A Recycle Archelology Kit:

Tools needed for an Archeology Dig

¥ pail
¥ ruler
¥ pencilÊ
¥ book
¥ magnifying glass
¥ shovel or gardening hand shovel
¥ sifter or strainer (any size up to 2")
¥ brush
¥ container


¥ Have each child dig and sift for "finds"...(feel free to bury some beforehand)
¥ Collect them in the pail
¥ Clean them off using the sifter, strainer or brush
¥ Study each of the finds together.
¥ Sort them into categories (rocks, beach glass, shells, creatures, seaweed etc)
¥ Measure them
¥ Log them

Added Learning and Other Creative Options:

¥ Start with an age appropriate archeology book or story book to learn about digging
¥ Have children log finds in their "Archeological Expedition" book (Item name, size, date). For young kids you will have to do it for them
¥ And/Or Make a computer log
¥ Have the kids draw pictures of each find or favorite finds on paper or in their book.Ê
¥ Take photos of found items
¥ Make a craft with discovered objects (ie: Shell crafts, Sea Art)
¥ Frame it! (Choose some favorite objects to put in a shadow box or frame)
¥ Make a shadow box from a recycled box cover it in plastic wrap

¥ Make an album of the drawings or photo

*Use Non Toxic Glue (recipe)

look for an artifact
Search for an artifact, fossil and natural objects, shells or rocks

If You Like This, You Might Also Like These:

Make a Recycle Plastic Container Aquarium
Planetpals Exclusive!
Great Summer fun! Directions and ideas
for this aquarium and fish learning

recycle plastic container aquarium

Make Natural Painted Rock Decor
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Great Summer fun! Directions and ideas
painting rocks and other rock decor

painted rocks

Tissue Rocks..Rock!
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This is a favorite beach project for kids--use recycled gift tissue!

make tissue rocks

Make a shell mobile and other shell crafts
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Make this simple
mobile using one string or many

shell mobile

Make a Recycle Bug Jar
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Just Buggy! Directions and ideas
for Bug Jar made of recycled materials

bug jar

Make a Recycle Bug Kit
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Great Summer fun! Directions and ideas
for Bug Kit with journal made of recycled materials

Free Nature Diary Download:

nature diary

Shoe box Diorama World
Planetpals Exclusive!

This is a favorite Earth day Idea! Convert a shoe box to a favorite place. Teach kids to love the world.

shoebox craft

Make a Recycle TREASURE Jar!
Planetpals Exclusive!
Unique Ideas, how to instructions, samples. Make a treasure jar for holidays, mothers day, fathers day, everyday.
Simple and Easy

.treasure jar craftrecycle jar craft

Recycle Sand and Jars--Sand Art
Planetpals Exclusive!
Recipe and Directions. Great for any age group! They can do pictorial art or fill jars. Or you can give them black and white coloring pages to fill
.recycle sand art

Create a Sand castle that lasts Make this simple recipe using sand, cornstarch, and alum

Looking for more interactive things to make here at Earthzone?

Every issue of our magazine has a special craft of the month! Free Activities in your email from the kidsclub! Try the Planetpals coloring page, recycle kit, card game, or check out our freebeez page.

Make another craft!

Earthday Characters