PC Guys for Cancer
Golf Classic

The Event

Become a Sponsor

Donations of Money

Other Donations

The PC Guys

Our PMC Ride

Event Sponsors




pc guys for cancer logo



How You Can Donate and Participate  



Thanks you can give us a donation in any amount!

Help us support cancer research and the Pan Mass Challenge. Learn how you can donate to the cause.

Donations of Money

Direct to Pan MASS:

A simple donation, any amount, can be given directly on-line via PMCs website directly to support Justin's Team sponsorship:
account number JT0158 at PanMass Challenge
or can be mailed to Justin directly.

Your company may even match your donation! Check here to see if your company is on the list.

By Mail:

To mail donations checks payable to:PMC, Jimmy Fund, DFCI" account number JT0158

Justin Teague
3 Kress Farm Road Hingham, MA 02043

NOTE: According to the IRS, a copy of the cancelled check suffices as proof of donation for gifts under $250

For Other Donations
How To Become a Sponsor